The latest news on web design, search engine positioning, internet marketing from a Winnipeg web design company.

Web Design & Internet Marketing Blog (Winnipeg)


Winnipeg Web Design Company, the vine multimedia inc, recently launched a new blog. The new blog is located at: and will feature content such as:
  • Web design tips
  • Tutorials & videos on internet marketing
  • Insights & Tips on how to get qualified leads to your business
Be sure to check in often as content is updated regularly!

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I found this great tip on

Zen Bliss submitted the following reader quick tip (in fact this email from Zen Bliss inspired me to do this ‘reader quick tip series’):

Hi Darren. I read your site regularly - it’s a great resource for tips. Here’s one of my own, along the lines of getting more traffic to your blog.

It’s a very simple tip that will take mere seconds to implement, and can really benefit you in the long run. Ready for it? … upload an avatar to your Technorati Profile. Many, many site authors who ping Technorati do not have an avatar. When a Technorati reader is scanning through pages of blog headlines, the avatars are so few and far between that the blog posts that are accompanied by them really jump out at you.

PS from Darren: I think this is a good simple tip that I’ve found to work also. I know when I added an icon to my Technorati account that I noticed a jump in visitors from the site. Nice one Zen Bliss.

Go ahead, do the same for yourself and see the results!

Windows Vista - Losing Hard Drive Storage Space


Rapidly Losing Hard-Disk Space in Vista?

We recently had a problem with Windows Vista... the hard-drive was rapidly filling up. 30 Gigs of free space on the disk disappeared within a week. The drive was full, and windows was giving the 'low disk space' error messages. I deleted 10 gigs, which filled up again after only 2 days...the same error messages returned.

Here's the solution to freeing up disk space in Vista

Vista uses a large amount of disc space for system restore and for shadow copies. To limit the amount of disc space allocated to system restore and shadow copies, open a command window by right clicking and selecting "Run As Administrator". Copy and paste this line:

vssadmin resize shadowstorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=2GB

Press enter. This will limit the space used to 2 gb but you can set the maxsize value to any number although I wouldn't go any smaller than 2 gb. Doing this will not reclaim all of the additional used disc space as there other reasons for the disc space usage but in my case it freed up 37 Gigs of hard-drive space.

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